Thursday, January 2, 2020

Thank You!

Hi, everyone! Happy 2020!!!

We have one final bit of business here at Words 2 Craft By. The six randomly-selected winners of those $10 Paper Smooches gift certificates are listed below. If you are one of our lucky winners, please e-mail me at cards[dot]by[dot]sybrina[at]gmail[dot]com by next Thursday (January 9) to make prize arrangements.  :)

  • Challenge Participants:
    • Charlie Brown Christmas
    • Meghan Kennihan
    • Paper Whims 
  • Followers
    • Melissa Bove
    • Liz Cavill
    • Creative World
Again, heartfelt thanks to all who have crafted along with us these past six years. Here's to lots and lots of crafty days ahead!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

W2CB #72: In Giving We Receive

Hi, everyone! It's the second Wednesday of a new month.... which means it's time for a new Words 2 Craft By Challenge. But, before we get to that, we have...

A Bittersweet Announcement

This month's challenge is our last Words 2 Craft By challenge... at least for now. As one of our I-Teamers said, all good things must come to an end.

Six years ago, Bobbi and I, along with a few crafty pals, decided to start the word-inspired challenge blog Words 2 Scrap By. Along the way we have been blessed to work with so many wonderfully talented and incredible generous crafters. Heartfelt thanks go to:
  • Bobbi, W2CB co-founder and my partner-in-craft these past six years.
  • Past and present team members who never failed to awe and inspire with their incredible interpretations: Annie, Bernadette, Celeste, Greta, Jennifer, Mary Anne, Marty, Penny, and Tina. 
  • Peggy, who designed our banner and badges.
  • All of our guest designers. Unfortunately, this senior brain of mine is incapable of remembering the names of all you wonderful designers. Fortunately, you know who you are.  :)
  • Kim Hughes of Paper Smooches, who kindly sponsored several challenges.  
  • Each and every one of you wonderful fellow crafters. Thank you all so very much for your support these six years!!!
Since this is the last challenge, we've decided to change up the awarding of prizes this time around. Instead of awarding a prize to a single challenge winner, we are going to randomly select three challenge entrants and three W2CB followers to receive $10 gift certificates to Paper Smooches.

So, for one last time, let's check out this month's words 2 craft by.

Our December/January Words

This time of year holds such a special place in the hearts of each and every one of us. And, there's certainly no shortage of movies, books, quotes, carols, and scripture passages to choose for this month's words. This month's words come to us from Saint Francis of Assisi.

For it is in giving that we receive.

Now for a couple of creative interpretations. You'll see that Celeste and Jennifer were inspired to make Christmas-themed carda... while Tina and I were inspired by the more general giving aspect of the quote. And, Bobbi made adorable paper purses to give for a few special people in her life. Of course, she did! LOL




We hope you'll join us by linking up a giving-inspired card/project from December 11 through January 1 for a chance to win one of those $10 gift certificates to Paper Smooches.

See you in the W2CB Gallery!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Our W2CB #71 Challenge Winner...

... is Mary Marsh of The Charmed Life, who created this lovely holiday card!

Mary Marsh

Congratulations, Mary! We loved your card's gorgeous colors, wonderful use of negative space, and overall fab design. Please e-mail me at cards[dot]by[dot]sybrina[at]gmail[dot]com.

Each month, it's getting tougher and tougher to choose our challenge winner. A huge thank you to everyone who played along with our November/December challenge! Special thanks to those participants who posted cards/projects on Flicker and Instagram... along with my apologies for not being to leave comments.

We'll be back Wednesday with a new words-inspired challenge. Looking forward to seeing everyone then!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Cup Half Full - Mid Challenge Reminder!

Bobbi here with our mid-challenge reminder (a tad late).

This month's words of gratitude come to us from Sam Lefkowitz.

When asked if my cup is half-empty or half-full 
my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup.

I found a 12 x 12 sheet from American Crafts with small blocks with sayings.  I love these for mass producing cards.  Bonus - it coordinated nicely an Echo Park paper pad I already owned!  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

W2CB #71: Thankful to Have a Cup

Hi, everyone! It's the second Wednesday of a new month.... which means it's time for a new Words 2 Craft By Challenge.

When the calendar turns to November, thoughts naturally turn to Thanksgiving. This month's words of gratitude come to us from Sam Lefkowitz.

When asked if my cup is half-empty or half-full 
my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup.

Let's see how our gals interpreted these inspirational words, starting with Guest I-Teamer Vicki Robertson. Vicki shares her wonderful creations at He"artful" Validation of Vicki. Thank you so much, Vicki, for joining us this month! Your card is stunning, and we are thrilled you accepted our invitation.

We hope you'll join us by linking up a thankful-to-have-a-cup-inspired card/project through December 4. Our challenge winner will receive a $10 e-certificate to the merchant of her/his choice. See you in the W2CB Gallery!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Our W2CB "Always Be..." Winner Is...

... Nancy E. who made a one-of-a-kind card for her daughter's bff's one-of-a-kind wedding! Wow! Talk about being yourself. Hats off to our challenge winner and the new bride!

Congratulations, Nancy, on creating one of the most unique wedding cards we'd ever seen! Please e-mail me at cards[dot]by[dot]sybrina[at]gmail[dot]com to make prize arrangements.

It was so fun to see everyone's wonderful interpretations of our "Always Be..." words! Thanks to everyone who played along with us. See  you all next Wednesday for a new words-inspired challenge.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

W2CB #70 Mid Challenge Reminder - Always Be

Bobbi here with this month's W2CB challenge reminder.  This month's phrase:

Always be yourself, unless you can be Batman.  
Then always be Batman.  Source Unknown

Batman is a selfless, flawed hero.  Kids of all ages (including my husband, a major fan) love him.  Many of my cards are donated to Cards for Soldiers, and they never have enough cards for boys.  I made an SVG and cut a bunch of these with my KNK Zing.
 Black base, gold oval, black bat, rounded corners - done!  Super cute and easy to mass produce.  Be sure to share your hero, bat or other project with us at Words 2 Craft By through November 6.