
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

W2CB #40: N-U-M-B-E-R M-O-U-S-E

Hi, everyone! Sybrina here with our April/May Words 2 Craft By Challenge. But, before we get to this month's words, we want to share news about changes to our I-Team.

Sadly, it's true that all good things must come to an end. Annie of Pawsitive Thoughts by Annie is leaving our merry band of card makers. We want to thank Annie for all she's done for W2CB these last three years and wish her all the best in her future endeavors, including her volunteer efforts for a dog rescue group. Big surprise there, huh?!

We are thrilled to announce that Tina of Kristina's Art Corner is our newest I-Teamer to our team! You've probably seen Tina's lovely creations in our W2CB galleries, and are so excited to welcome, her to our W2CB team.  :)

And. now for our April/May words, which come to us from Mickey Mouse.

Arithmetic is being able to count to twenty without taking off your shoes.

Truth be told, we wanted to do something fun with numbers for the month of April. In addition to numbers, you could go with a school theme... maybe getting a head start on end-of-the-year teacher thank yous. And, of course, you can never go wrong with anything Mickey/Disney. 

Let's see what our I-Teamers came up with, starting with our newest member... who focused on the numbers when making her card.



There's a $10 gift certificate to the online merchant of her/his choice to our challenge winner.  :)

So, how do you spell i-n-s-p-i-r-a-t-i-o-n?  Show us HERE!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

W2CB #39: And the Winner is...

Hello W2CB friends!  It's time to announce the winner of our Proverbs & Blessing challenge.  First, thank you to all who played along and shared your beautiful projects.  W2CB is truly blessed to have so many talented and loyal supporters!

CONGRATULATIONS to Vickie ODell from HeARTful Stamper for this beautiful blessing:

Vickie, please send me your email address at abrahamsonann1 at gmail dot com to claim your gift certificate to  Sybrina will be contacting you about a future Guest I-Teamer spot too! Congratulations again!

Be sure to come back on Wednesday, April 12th, for W2CB's next challenge.  Hint - The most famous ears EVER may be involved 😉

Take Care and Happy Crafting ~ Annie